Saturday, April 7, 2012

A cup of coffee image

 A cup of coffee that keeps you awake. First known to be an Arabic wine in Europe. And this the the most popular drink around the world.
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kodak PlaySport zx5

Got my kodak zx5 PlaySport. perfect for shooting videos underwater. Best deal if you're looking for a cheap HD camcorder that works under water. 
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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mushroom in Wood

This is an image of a mushroom that grows in our yard every rainy season. Its not noticable unless you take a macro shot using your camera. Mushrooms can be poisonous specially the attractive ones.
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Bed Bugs Magnified

This is a low quality image of a magnified bed bug. Bed bugs are pests. They are not an insect as you think. They are arachnids similar to a spider.
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Tongue of a Baby

This is a picture of a tongue of a two-year old baby. As you can see, it's not so clean. Those are the marks of milk. You will also notice that the mustache is developing at his young age.
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